FIND THE SOLUTION FOR NUMEROUS UNIQUE PICTURE PUZZLES. SEE! THINK! GET ADDICTED!• 150 different stunning and unique puzzels for you!Try to combine images, find coherences or just interpret the icons to find the solution in this great quiz game.
• 12 different quiz categoriesChoose from the following: Music, comic, movies, miscellaneous, sport, cities, technic, animals, jobs, brands, nature and persons.
• Win Stars and raise your scoreUse your score to unlock new categories or use stars for 3 helpful jokers!
• Hand-drawn images and iconsFind numerous hand-drawn images, icons and sketches, when solving all the different categories.
• English version of the quiz gameAll puzzles are in english language.
• 3 jokers help you when you got stuckJokers for removing all letters that are not needed, finding one letter or solving the puzzle.